ChromaTalk Archives: 2006
Another busy year for the list, which for the second year in a row saw over 600 posts. By year's end there were about 130 subscribers.
Chroma CPU Plus (CC+)
David Clarke [21030085++] and Sandro Sfregola [21010294] release their amazing upgrade, intended to provide a replacement for Rhodes Chroma and Rhodes Chroma Expander CPU boards. In addition to replacing failed/damaged boards, this board also includes features such as built-in support for four banks of 50 patches; native on-board MIDI (including the ability to have all Chroma controllers sent/received via MIDI continuous controllers) with Syntech sysex format support; battery-free operation; one-touch "scratch patch" creation; and more. (June)
Herbie Hancock Video
A video of Herbie Hancock playing "Rockit" on Chroma (apparently a Halloween model) with the list's own Jeff Bova [21030407++] playing the Chroma with a Yamaha KX1. (July)
Cubase Edit Panel
Åke Danielson [21010068] provided an edit panel download for Cubase SX3 (it should also work in version 4) for editing the Chroma directly from Cubase. It can be used to change the parameters dynamically during songs or as an editor to build sounds from scratch, and works on Windows or Mac OS X. (December)
Other interesting threads:
- Patches from Checking Memory Productions - some patch parameter listings on the Web, some of which were manually entered by David Clarke (April)
- Chroma Knob and alternatives - a discussion of finding an external knob box for parameter entry (May)
- Stack Switch Repair - how to clean and repair them to address sticking sustain and a "kill all voices" condition, by Tom Moravansky [21030431] (August)
- Martin Straw's power supply update procedures - notes on "how" to perform the power supply update outlined by Martin Straw [21010093+], by Tom Moravansky (September)