ChromaTalk Mailing List
This is a mailing list for Chroma owners (and has on occasion been joined by aspiring owners). It is intended as a forum for support and sharing of information on the instrument. Archives are available here—accessible by calendar year at left.
Most recent list archive: July 2015 (7 threads, 24 messages).
Subscription and Member Info
To subscribe or unsubscribe and to configure subscription options, go to ChromaTalk List Tools.
Due to some overzealous spam protection, AOL subscribers may not receive messages reliably. Use a different provider if you can.
List Rules and Guidelines
- In order to block spam, messages can only be posted by list members. This means that you can only post from your subscribed e-mail account(s). Messages sent from non-subscribed accounts are not circulated to the list (unless I do so manually).
- Messages are restricted to 5000K (about 4.9MB, taking encoding into consideration). If you have larger files to contribute, please contact me.
- Check the FAQ before posting. It's not very long.
- Posts may be slightly edited when added to the archives, for instance to incorporate direct links rather than textual URLs. I'm also a bit of a stickler for grammar and spelling; correct language probably makes a difference with the search engines.
- E-mail addresses will not be included in the archives for reasons of privacy. However, I encourage people to use real names, even if it's first name only, or first and abbreviated last name (e.g., Chris R). If you post with a bizarre pseudonym, I'll probably ask you for something more realistic.
- Off-topic and spam messages will not be tolerated.
- Note that the list is dedicated to the original Chroma, not the Polaris. Polaris-related posts with some relevance to the Chroma are acceptable. For Polaris-specific discussions, join the Polaris mailing list.
- If a non-member wants to post to the list — for instance, an ad to sell a Chroma — the request should be sent to me.
About ChromaTalk
The list has been consistently active since its inception in June 1999. The graphs (or "sparklines") indicate list activity, month by month, for each year. They could be a little misleading, however, as they represent the activity within each year. Here is a sparkline that shows activity on the list from its inception until the end of 2012:
There have been significantly more messages in recent years (1069 posts in 2010; 919 in 2011) than in previous years; from 2005 to 2009 there were about 600 posts per year, and before that, 200-300. The number of subscribers remained constant at around 70 for a few years, passed 100 circa 2004-05, and was about 180 as of January 2012.
Chris Masterton of Optimal Interfaces hosted ChromaTalk from 2006 to 2013. Neil Bradley of Synthcom Systems hosted the list from August 2000 to March 2006. Before that it was hosted by Sirius Connections, a defunct ISP in the San Francisco Bay Area.