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A Windows Interface for the Rhodes Chroma

By Mark David [21030170+] <>

Mark writes, "I did this all when I had a few contiguous un-employed months in 2000, and I'm highly unlikely to be able to help answer any questions now - as those synapses in my brain have been re-purposed." Mark is making this material "freely available to whomever wants to make use of it." [May 2007]

I am in the process of designing and building an interface between the Rhodes Chroma synthesizer and a PC running Microsoft Windows. This site contains the current state of the documentation for the project.

This information is intended primarily for the members of the ChromaTalk mailing list. I'll be sending notifications to that list when I make significant additions/changes to the site. [See Windows Editors & Librarians: Windows Interface for Chroma for a list of related posts made by Mark in 2000-2001.]

Feel free to copy, download, and use any and all information herein, including diagrams and code. Suggestions & comments are solicited and welcome. However, this is a recreational project for me, so I'm guaranteeing nothing in terms of quality, support, response time, and all that stuff.



This is not a comprehensive set of links on any topic, merely those that I made use of for this project.

My favorite site specializing in the Rhodes Chroma is Chris Ryan's.

Some helpful sources for info on synthesizers in general include:

Of inestimable help, for a computer port hacker newbie, was Jan Axelson's Lakeview Research.

Though Jan links to his page, special mention goes out to Craig Peacock's Beyond Logic for pointing me (after I looked everywhere else in the world) toward a UART with separate input and output buses.

Perhaps everyone knew this but me, but I had a hell of a time trying to figure out where to buy circuit-building components on-line. Allied Electronics is an incredibly comprehensive source that I used.